Wednesday 8 February 2012

Shampoo, Rinse, Repeat (An average day)

Awake by 6 a.m. (if you're lucky - for the first time that night) when youngest daughter enters room.  Bring her into bed with you, hoping to at least feign sleep for another 30 minutes or so.  Endure the tugging and twisting of your hair by her little fingers while listening to the sound of her sucking her thumb.  Resign to getting out of bed when the second of three daughters also enters room and inquires why the first one gets to sleep in your bed. 

Assist children with getting dressed, brushing teeth, making beds and putting away clothes.  Shower quickly with at least one daughter hanging out in the bathroom.  Get dressed and brush teeth while asking children not to climb on furniture or fight with one another.

Head downstairs to make tea for self, start on breakfast for the children, and await the arrival of the nanny.

Get in car.  Listen to radio.  Drive mindlessly to office.

Arrive at work.  Make more tea and breakfast for self.  Work.  If workload and timing of office arrival versus time of necessary departure from office permit, dash out at mid-day to quickly run errands, buy groceries or cram in a fast workout.  Leave office by 4:50 p.m. in order to get home in time to relieve nanny by 5:30 p.m.

Listen to quick run-down of the day from nanny and children.  Learn who has fought with whom, who has wet their pants, and what they've had to eat.

Begin preparing dinner while asking children not to climb on furniture or fight with one another.  Feed dog.

Eat dinner.  Listen to stories from children, encourage children to eat their vegetables, ask children not to climb on furniture, and attempt mature conversation with husband.

Bath-time.  Assist children with getting dressed into pyjamas, brushing teeth, and putting away clothes.  Read stories.  Sing songs.


Tidy up kitchen.  Put away any toys, markers or craft materials left lying around.  Move laundry from washer into dryer.  Put a load of laundry in the wash.  Walk the dog.

If time and energy permits, attend a yoga class, try to do a self-chosen activity, or watch television or play sport with husband.

Put laundry into the dryer, and put another load in the wash.

Put away clothes.  Climb into bed.  Collapse into sleep.


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